Friday, June 18, 2010

New Outfits

Aunt Ashley Sent the girls the most adorable outfits, and she made the skirts her self . so we wanted to take some pictures of them looking so cute, tori even cut their bangs and did their hair. the only problem was that the twins did not want to sit still. thanks ashley

Tori did all of their hair , and Ashley made the bows

Needless to say they all had a fun time .


Ashley said...

Your girls are ADORABLE!! I'm glad you like the outfits!! Happy Birthday to all the girls (REALLY late!!) We miss you guys!! You should come down in August... ;)

Anonymous said...

So cute! They are all getting so big, and Ari is looking so OLD! Holy cow.

The skirts are so cute! I love them, my girls look adorable in theirs as well! Kudos to Ashley for making them for us!! :)